App Store Guidelines

App Store Review Guidelines


The App Store Review Guidelines are a set of rules that developers must follow in order to have their apps submitted to the App Store. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics, including app design, functionality, and content.

App Design

The App Store Review Guidelines have a number of requirements for app design. For example, apps must be visually appealing and easy to use. They must also be consistent with the overall look and feel of the App Store.


The App Store Review Guidelines also have a number of requirements for app functionality. For example, apps must be functional and stable. They must also be free of bugs and crashes.


The App Store Review Guidelines also have a number of requirements for app content. For example, apps must not contain any offensive or inappropriate content. They must also not contain any content that is harmful or dangerous.

App Review Process

When an app is submitted to the App Store, it is reviewed by a team of Apple employees. The review team will check the app to make sure that it meets all of the App Store Review Guidelines. If the app does not meet all of the guidelines, it will be rejected.

App Store Marketing

Once an app has been approved for the App Store, it can be marketed to users. However, there are a number of rules that developers must follow when marketing their apps. For example, developers cannot make false or misleading claims about their apps. They also cannot use deceptive marketing practices.

App Store Updates

Once an app has been released on the App Store, developers can update it to add new features or fix bugs. However, there are a number of rules that developers must follow when updating their apps. For example, developers must not remove features from their apps without good reason. They also must not make changes to their apps that could harm users.

The App Store Review Guidelines are designed to ensure that the App Store is a safe and reliable place for users to download apps. By following these guidelines, developers can help to ensure that their apps are successful on the App Store.

Here are some additional tips for developers who are submitting their apps to the App Store:

  • Read the App Store Review Guidelines carefully and make sure that your app meets all of the requirements.
  • Provide clear and concise information about your app in the app description.
  • Use high-quality screenshots and videos to showcase your app.
  • Test your app thoroughly on a variety of devices to make sure that it is functional and stable.
  • Be patient and responsive to feedback from Apple during the review process.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of having your app approved for the App Store.

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